Requests and Demands
Have you noticed what happens for you when someone asks something of you that is vague and unmeasurable? Do you find yourself confused,...
Requests and Demands
Overcoming Negativity Bias
An NVC Approach to New Year's Resolutions
Using NVC to navigate the holiday season
Working with big emotions through the lens of NVC
The masked and unmasked through the lens of NVC
Empathic Parenting
How to have an effective conversation with those with different political points of view
Getting Over Procrastination with Self-Compassion
How to Say "No"
Asking for More of What You Want
What We're Celebrating on International Women's Day
Valentine's Day Belongs to All of Us
Announcing Great Lakes NVC
Latest intro to NVC workshop this Sunday, Oct. 2, 2p-5p, Ann Arbor
Intro to Nonviolent Communication Sept. 25th at the Leslie Science Center, Ann Arbor
May Peace Prevail